Arista con filetto in forno

on January 30, 2014

The potatoes in the oven are a must in this dish.

Straccetti di Petto di Pollo

on January 29, 2014

Cut the chicken breast into strips. Flour and cook on a pan with a little oil. When the pieces are golden brown add 2 tablespoons vinegar and fresh rucola Just retired vinegar to serve.

Granpezzo di Manzo al Forno

on January 11, 2014

A typical dish of the Florentine Cuisine.

Petto di pollo sfizioso

on January 10, 2014

You fills to the center, before the cooking with a mixture minced of tomatoes, bread crumb, some pistachio and a pinch of parmesan cheese. Really appetizing.

Tagliata di Manzo

on January 10, 2014

We recommend you meat "Chianina."